The Clear Choice For Production.
Nullam semper erat arcu, ac tincidunt sem venenatis vel. Curabi. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo tincidunt sem venenatis .
Let’s work together, Do not hesitate to
The older I get, the more I look at movies as a moving miracle. It’s just not special effects only but a good story behind it.
Georgio Frederick
My Works
Featured Production
Music Video
TVC Visual
Visual Effects
Online & Social
Creative Video
Creative Video
Alone in the Atlantic
Music Video
Online & Social
Train to London
Visual Effects
Only me
TVC Visual
Charm Girl
TVC Visual
Can we love again?
Hi! I’m georgio frederick — a Canadian filmaker, director & producer. My directing career began in 1978 with short film called “genesis”. Since then, i have worked hard everyday til now to achieve my goals.
Featured Projects
honour awards
satisfied clients
worldwide gross